#include <FAST/ProcessObject.hpp>
ProcessObject Abstract base class for all process objects.
Base classes
- class AttributeObject
Derived classes
- class ConvertToMeters
- class AddTransformation
- Add transformations to spatial data objects.
- class AirwaySegmentation
- Segment airways from CT using seeded region growing with explosion control.
- class ApplyColormap
- Applies a colormap on an image to create a new image.
- class BinaryThresholding
- Segmentation using a threshold value.
- class BlockMatching
- Block matching tracking of an image stream.
- class BoundingBoxSetAccumulator
- Accumulate a stream of bounding box sets to a single large bounding box set.
- class CenterlineExtraction
- Extract centerline from 3D image segmentation.
- class ClassificationToText
- class CoherentPointDrift
- Abstract base class for Coherent Point Drift (CPD) registration.
- class ColorToGrayscale
- class Concatenate
- Concatenate two images or two tensors.
- class Dilation
- Perform binary dilation with disk structuring element.
- class EmptyProcessObject
- class EnvelopeAndLogCompressor
- Performs normalized envelope detection and log compression on IQ data.
- class Erosion
- Perform binary erosion with disk structuring element.
- class EulerGradientVectorFlow
- Gradient vector flow using Euler method.
- class Exporter
- Abstract base class for exporters.
- class GaussianSmoothing
- Smoothing by convolution with a Gaussian mask.
- class GrayscaleToColor
- class HounsefieldConverter
- Converts input image to Hounsefield units (if needed)
- class ImageAdd
- Add two images.
- class ImageCaster
- Cast image to another data type.
- class ImageChannelConverter
- Remove and/or reverse channels from an image.
- class ImageCropper
- Process object from cropping an image.
- class ImageFlipper
- Flip images.
- class ImageGradient
- Calculate image gradient using central finite difference method.
- class ImageInverter
- Invert the intensity of an image.
- class ImageMovingAverage
- Temporal smoothing of image using moving average.
- class ImageMultiply
- Multiply two images.
- class ImagePyramidLevelExtractor
- Extract a level of an image pyramid as an image.
- class ImagePyramidPatchImporter
- Loads an image pyramid from a set of image patches stored in a folder.
- class ImageResampler
- Resample an image to a given spatial resolution.
- class ImageResizer
- Process object for resizing an image.
- class ImageSlicer
- Slice a 3D image using a defined plane.
- class ImagesToSequence
- Process object for converting a stream of images to a Sequence data object.
- class ImageTransposer
- Transpose images.
- class ImageWeightedMovingAverage
- Temporal smoothing of image using weighted moving average.
- class Importer
- Abstract base class for Importers.
- class IntensityClipping
- Clips the pixel intensities of an image to specific values.
- class IntensityNormalization
- Normalize intensities of an image to a 0-1 or custom range.
- class InverseGradientSegmentation
- Perform segmentation by following inverse direction of gradient vector field.
- class IterativeClosestPoint
- Registration of two meshes using ICP algorithm.
template<class TImage>class ITKImageExporter
- Export a FAST Image to an ITK image.
template<class TImage>class ITKImageImporter
- Imports and ITK image.
- class KalmanFilterModelSegmentation
- Kalman filter deformable model segmentation.
- class LabelModifier
- Change labels in a segmentation image.
- class LaplacianOfGaussian
- Calculate image gradient using Laplacian of Gaussian method.
- class LevelSetSegmentation
- Level set image segmentation.
- class LungSegmentation
- Segment the lung, airways and blood vessels from a CT using seeded region growing and morpohology.
- class MeshToSegmentation
- Converts a line (2D) or triangle (3D) mesh to a segmentation image.
- class MultigridGradientVectorFlow
- Gradient vector flow using the multigrid method.
- class NeuralNetwork
- Neural network process object.
- class NonLocalMeans
- Multiscale Non-Local Means (NLM) smoothing.
- class NonMaximumSuppression
- Non-maximum suppression of bounding box sets.
- class PatchStitcher
- Stitch a stream of processed patches from the PatchGenerator.
- class PipelineSynchronizer
- Synchronize multiple process objects This PO takes in N input connections and creates N output connections. It keeps the last frame of every connection, and every time a connection has a new data frame, it send out the latest frame to all output connections.
- class Plotter
- class RegionProperties
- Calculate properties, such as area, contour and centroid, for every segmentation region.
- class Renderer
- Abstract base class for Renderers.
- class RenderToImage
- Render to an image.
- class RidgeTraversalCenterlineExtraction
- Extract 3D centerline by following ridge.
- class RunLambda
- Run a C++ lambda in a FAST pipeline.
- class RunUntilFinished
- Calls run on parent PO until output is marked as last frame.
- class ScanConverter
- Scan convert beamspace image.
- class SeededRegionGrowing
- Segmentation by seeded region growing.
- class SegmentationVolumeReconstructor
- Reconstruct a stream of 2D segmentation images into a 3D segmentation image.
- class SetTransformation
- Set transformations to spatial data objects.
- class Skeletonization
- Extract the skeleton of 2D segmentation as a 2D image.
- class StartTimer
- class StopTimer
- class Streamer
- Abstract base class for all Streamers.
- class StreamToFileExporter
- Write a stream of Mesh or Image data as a sequence of files.
- class SurfaceExtraction
- Extract triangle mesh from a 3D Image (volume)
- class TemplateMatching
- Match a template image to an image.
- class TensorToBoundingBoxSet
- Convert a tensor to a set of bounding boxes.
- class TensorToImage
- Converts a Tensor with shape HxWxC to a FAST Image.
- class TensorToSegmentation
- A process object which converts a Tensor to a Segmentation object.
- class TissueSegmentation
- Segment tissue from a WSI.
- class Tracking
- class TubeSegmentationAndCenterlineExtraction
- Segmentation and centerline extraction of tubular structures.
- class UltrasoundImageCropper
- Automatic cropping of an ultrasound scanner image.
- class UltrasoundImageEnhancement
- Apply a color map and reject on an ultrasound image.
- class VectorMedianFilter
- Apply median filter on vector field to reduce noise.
- class VertexTensorToSegmentation
- Convert a tensor of vertex positions (graph) to a segmentation.
- class View
- class VTKImageExporter
- Export a FAST Image to an VTK image.
- class VTKImageImporter
- Loads a VTK image to FAST.
- class VTKMeshExporter
- Export a FAST Mesh to an VTK PolyData object.
- class ZeroMeanUnitVariance
- Normalize intensities of an image to have zero mean and unit variance.
Public types
- using pointer = std::shared_ptr<ProcessObject>
Public static functions
- static auto getStaticNameOfClass() -> std::string
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- ~ProcessObject() virtual
- ProcessObject() protected
Public functions
- void update(int executeToken = -1)
- Update/Run the pipeline up to this process object.
auto getRuntime() -> RuntimeMeasurement::
pointer -
auto getRuntime(std::string name) -> RuntimeMeasurement::
pointer -
auto getAllRuntimes() -> RuntimeMeasurementsManager::
pointer -
auto getRuntimeManager() -> RuntimeMeasurementsManager::
pointer - void enableRuntimeMeasurements()
- void disableRuntimeMeasurements()
void setMainDevice(ExecutionDevice::
pointer device) - void setMainDeviceCriteria(const DeviceCriteria& citeria)
auto getMainDevice() const -> ExecutionDevice::
pointer -
void setDevice(uint deviceNumber,
pointer device) - void setDeviceCriteria(uint deviceNumber, const DeviceCriteria& criteria)
auto getDevice(uint deviceNumber) const -> ExecutionDevice::
pointer -
auto getOutputPort(uint portID = 0) -> DataChannel::
pointer virtual -
auto getInputPort(uint portID = 0) -> DataChannel::
pointer virtual -
void setInputConnection(DataChannel::
pointer port) virtual -
void setInputConnection(uint portID,
pointer port) virtual -
void setInputData(DataObject::
pointer data) virtual -
void setInputData(uint portID,
pointer data) virtual -
auto getOutputData(uint portID = 0) -> DataObject::
pointer -
template<class DataType>auto getOutputData(uint portID = 0) -> std::shared_ptr<DataType>
- auto getNrOfInputConnections() const -> int
- auto getNrOfOutputPorts() const -> int
- auto getNrOfInputPorts() const -> int
- void stopPipeline()
- Stop a pipeline.
- void setModified(bool modified)
- Mark this process object as modified or not. A modified PO will execute next time it is updated.
template<class DataType>auto updateAndGetOutputData(uint portID = 0) -> std::shared_ptr<DataType>
template<class DataType>auto runAndGetOutputData(uint portID = 0, int64_t executeToken = -1) -> std::shared_ptr<DataType>
- auto runAndGetOutputData(uint portID = 0, int64_t executeToken = -1) -> std::shared_ptr<DataObject>
- void run(int64_t executeToken = -1)
- auto connect(std::shared_ptr<ProcessObject> parentProcessObject, uint outputPortID = 0) -> std::shared_ptr<ProcessObject>
- auto connect(uint inputPortID, std::shared_ptr<ProcessObject> parentProcessObject, uint outputPortID = 0) -> std::shared_ptr<ProcessObject>
- auto connect(std::shared_ptr<DataObject> inputDataObject) -> std::shared_ptr<ProcessObject>
- auto connect(uint inputPortID, std::shared_ptr<DataObject> inputDataObject) -> std::shared_ptr<ProcessObject>
- auto getLastExecuteToken() const -> int
- void setExecuteOnLastFrameOnly(bool executeOnLastFrameOnly)
- auto getExecuteOnLastFrameOnly() const -> bool
- auto attributesToString() -> std::string virtual
- Convert attributes to string.
- auto hasReceivedLastFrameFlag() const -> bool
- Whether this PO has received input data with last frame flag set.
Protected types
- struct InputPort
- struct OutputPort
Protected functions
- void execute() pure virtual
- void preExecute() virtual
- void postExecute() virtual
- void createInputPort(uint portID, std::string name = "", std::string description = "", bool required = true)
- void createOutputPort(uint portID, std::string name = "", std::string description = "")
template<class DataType>void createInputPort(uint portID, bool required = true)
template<class DataType>void createOutputPort(uint portID)
template<class DataType>auto getInputData(uint portID = 0) -> std::shared_ptr<DataType>
void addOutputData(DataObject::
pointer data, bool propagateLastFrameData = true, bool propagateFrameData = true) -
void addOutputData(uint portID,
pointer data, bool propagateLastFrameData = true, bool propagateFrameData = true) - auto hasNewInputData(uint portID) -> bool
- void waitToFinish() virtual
- void createOpenCLProgram(std::string sourceFilename, std::string name = "")
- auto getOpenCLProgram(std::shared_ptr<OpenCLDevice> device, std::string name = "", std::string buildOptions = "") -> cl::Program
void changeDeviceOnInputs(uint deviceNumber,
pointer device) - void validateInputPortExists(uint portID)
- void validateOutputPortExists(uint portID)
Protected variables
- bool mIsModified
- int m_lastExecuteToken
pointer mRuntimeManager - std::map<uint, bool> mRequiredInputs
- std::map<uint, std::vector<uint>> mInputDevices
std::map<uint, ExecutionDevice::
pointer> mDevices - std::map<uint, DeviceCriteria> mDeviceCriteria
std::map<uint, DataChannel::
pointer> mInputConnections - std::map<uint, std::vector<std::weak_ptr<DataChannel>>> mOutputConnections
- std::map<uint, InputPort> mInputPorts
- std::map<uint, OutputPort> mOutputPorts
std::map<uint, std::pair<DataObject::
pointer, uint64_t>> mLastProcessed - std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OpenCLProgram>> mOpenCLPrograms
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> m_frameData
- std::unordered_set<std::string> m_lastFrame
- int m_maximumNrOfFrames
- bool m_executeOnLastFrameOnly
- std::mutex m_mutex
Function documentation
void fast:: ProcessObject:: update(int executeToken = -1)
Update/Run the pipeline up to this process object.
Parameters | |
executeToken | Negative value means that the execute token is disabled. |
Do update on this PO, which will trigger update on all connected POs thus running the entire pipeline.
An optional executeToken can be used to synchronize updating to avoid duplicate execution for the same frames when using streaming. Increment the token for every timestep with a positive value.
DataObject:: pointer fast:: ProcessObject:: getOutputData(uint portID = 0)
Parameters | |
portID |
Get current output data for a given port
template<class DataType>
std::shared_ptr<DataType> fast:: ProcessObject:: getOutputData(uint portID = 0)
Parameters | |
portID |
Get current output data for a given port
void fast:: ProcessObject:: setModified(bool modified)
Mark this process object as modified or not. A modified PO will execute next time it is updated.
Parameters | |
modified |
void fast:: ProcessObject:: setExecuteOnLastFrameOnly(bool executeOnLastFrameOnly)
Parameters | |
executeOnLastFrameOnly |
If set to true, this will only trigger this PO to execute if one of its inputs is marked as being "last frame". This is useful if one want to export the results of a PatchStitcher, but only when it is complete.