fast::NeuralNetwork class

Neural network process object.

This is the neural network process object base. All other neural network process objects should extend this class.

Base classes

class ProcessObject
Abstract base class for all process objects.

Derived classes

class BoundingBoxNetwork
Neural network process object for bounding box detection.
class FlowNetwork
A neural network for optical flow estimation.
class ImageClassificationNetwork
Image classification neural network.
class ImageToImageNetwork
Image-to-Image neural network process object.
class SegmentationNetwork
Segmentation neural network process object.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~NeuralNetwork() virtual
NeuralNetwork() protected

Public functions

auto create(std::string modelFilename, float scaleFactor, float meanIntensity, float standardDeviationIntensity, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> inputNodes, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> outputNodes, std::string inferenceEngine, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins) -> std::shared_ptr<NeuralNetwork>
Create instance Python friendly constructor with almost all parameters.
auto create(std::string modelFilename, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> inputNodes, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> outputNodes, std::string inferenceEngine, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins) -> std::shared_ptr<NeuralNetwork>
Create instance C++ friendly create with parameters that must be set before loading.
void load(std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins = std::vector<std::string>())
void load(std::vector<uint8_t> model, std::vector<uint8_t> weights, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins = std::vector<std::string>())
void setInferenceEngine(InferenceEngine::pointer engine)
void setInferenceEngine(std::string engine)
auto getInferenceEngine() const -> InferenceEngine::pointer
void setInputNode(uint portID, std::string name, NodeType type = NodeType::IMAGE, TensorShape shape = TensorShape())
void setOutputNode(uint portID, std::string name, NodeType type = NodeType::IMAGE, TensorShape shape = TensorShape())
void setInputNode(NeuralNetworkNode node)
void setOutputNode(NeuralNetworkNode node)
void setScaleFactor(float scale)
void setMeanAndStandardDeviation(float mean, float std)
void setMinAndMaxIntensity(float min, float max)
void setSignedInputNormalization(bool signedInputNormalization)
void setPreserveAspectRatio(bool preserve)
void setHorizontalFlipping(bool flip)
auto getInputNodes() -> std::map<std::string, NeuralNetworkNode>
auto getOutputNodes() -> std::map<std::string, NeuralNetworkNode>
auto getNode(std::string name) -> NeuralNetworkNode
void setTemporalWindow(uint window)
Set the temporal window for dynamic mode. If window > 1, assume the second dimension of the input tensor is the number of timesteps. If the window is set to 4, the frames t-3, t-2, t-1 and t, where t is the current timestep, will be given as input to the network.
void addTemporalState(std::string inputNodeName, std::string outputNodeName, TensorShape shape = TensorShape())
Add a temporal state uses input and output nodes to remember state between runs.
void setInputSize(std::string name, std::vector<int> size) virtual
void loadAttributes() virtual

Protected functions

void runNeuralNetwork() virtual
auto processInputData() -> std::unordered_map<std::string, Tensor::pointer>
auto resizeImages(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Image>>& images, int width, int height, int depth) -> std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Image>>
auto convertImagesToTensor(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Image>> image, const TensorShape& shape, bool temporal) -> Tensor::pointer
auto standardizeOutputTensorData(Tensor::pointer tensor, int sample = 0) -> Tensor::pointer
void processOutputTensors()

Protected variables

bool mPreserveAspectRatio
bool mHorizontalImageFlipping
bool mSignedInputNormalization
int mTemporalWindow
int m_batchSize
float mScaleFactor
float mMean
float mStd
float mMinIntensity
float mMaxIntensity
bool mMinAndMaxIntensitySet
Vector3f mNewInputSpacing
Vector3i m_newInputSize
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<int>> mInputSizes
std::unordered_map<int, DataObject::pointer> m_processedOutputData
std::shared_ptr<InferenceEngine> m_engine
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Image>>> mInputImages
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>>> mInputTensors
std::map<std::string, Tensor::pointer> m_temporalStateNodes
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> m_temporalStateLinks

Private functions

void execute() virtual

Function documentation

std::shared_ptr<NeuralNetwork> fast::NeuralNetwork::create(std::string modelFilename, float scaleFactor, float meanIntensity, float standardDeviationIntensity, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> inputNodes, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> outputNodes, std::string inferenceEngine, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins)

Create instance Python friendly constructor with almost all parameters.

modelFilename Path to model to load
scaleFactor A value which is multiplied with each pixel of input image before it is sent to the neural network. Use this to scale your pixels values. Default: 1.0
meanIntensity Mean intensity to subtract from each pixel of the input image
standardDeviationIntensity Standard deviation to divide each pixel of the input image by
inputNodes Specify names, and potentially shapes, of input nodes. Not necessary unless you only want to use certain inputs or specify the input shape manually.
outputNodes Specify names, and potentially shapes, of output nodes to use. Not necessary unless you only want to use certain outputs or specify the output shape manually.
inferenceEngine Specify which inference engine to use (TensorFlow, TensorRT, OpenVINO). By default, FAST will select the best inference engine available on your system.
customPlugins Specify path to any custom plugins/operators to load
Returns instance

std::shared_ptr<NeuralNetwork> fast::NeuralNetwork::create(std::string modelFilename, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> inputNodes, std::vector<NeuralNetworkNode> outputNodes, std::string inferenceEngine, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins)

Create instance C++ friendly create with parameters that must be set before loading.

modelFilename Path to model to load
inputNodes Specify names, and potentially shapes, of input nodes. Not necessary unless you only want to use certain inputs or specify the input shape manually.
outputNodes Specify names, and potentially shapes, of output nodes to use. Not necessary unless you only want to use certain outputs or specify the output shape manually.
inferenceEngine Specify which inference engine to use (TensorFlow, TensorRT, OpenVINO). By default, FAST will select the best inference engine available on your system.
customPlugins Specify path to any custom plugins/operators to load
Returns instance

void fast::NeuralNetwork::load(std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins = std::vector<std::string>())

filename Path to network model file.
customPlugins Paths to custom plugins/operators which can be libraries (.so/.dll) or in the case of GPU/VPU OpenVINO: .xml files.

Load a given network model file. This takes time. The second argument can be used to specify files for loading custom plugins/operators needed by the network model.

void fast::NeuralNetwork::load(std::vector<uint8_t> model, std::vector<uint8_t> weights, std::vector<std::string> customPlugins = std::vector<std::string>())

customPlugins paths to custom plugins/operators which can be libraries (.so/.dll) or in the case of GPU/VPU OpenVINO: .xml files.

Load a network from memory provided as byte two byte vectors: model and weights The second argument can be used to specify files for loading custom plugins/operators needed by the network model.

void fast::NeuralNetwork::setInferenceEngine(InferenceEngine::pointer engine)


Specify which inference engine to use

void fast::NeuralNetwork::setInferenceEngine(std::string engine)


Specify which inference engine to use

InferenceEngine::pointer fast::NeuralNetwork::getInferenceEngine() const

Retrieve current inference engine

void fast::NeuralNetwork::setScaleFactor(float scale)


For each input value i: new_i = i*scale

void fast::NeuralNetwork::setMeanAndStandardDeviation(float mean, float std)


For each input value i: new_i = (i - mean)/std, this is applied after the scale factor

void fast::NeuralNetwork::setMinAndMaxIntensity(float min, float max)


Intensities of input image will be clipped at these values

void fast::NeuralNetwork::setHorizontalFlipping(bool flip)


Setting this parameter to true will flip the input image horizontally. For pixel classification the output image will be flipped back.

void fast::NeuralNetwork::setTemporalWindow(uint window)

Set the temporal window for dynamic mode. If window > 1, assume the second dimension of the input tensor is the number of timesteps. If the window is set to 4, the frames t-3, t-2, t-1 and t, where t is the current timestep, will be given as input to the network.


void fast::NeuralNetwork::addTemporalState(std::string inputNodeName, std::string outputNodeName, TensorShape shape = TensorShape())

Add a temporal state uses input and output nodes to remember state between runs.

inputNodeName Name of the input node for the given temporal state
outputNodeName Name of the output node for the given temporal state
shape Shape of the temporal state tensor. If empty, FAST will try to find the shape automatically.

Not all inference engines support stateful temporal neural networks directly. Stateful LSTM/GRU/ConvLSTM layers remembers it's internal state from one run to the next. Statefullness can still be enabled by having an additional input and output node for each temporal state in the neural network, and then copy the temporal state from the output node to the input node for the next run. The first run the input nodes for the temporal state are all zero.

Tensor::pointer fast::NeuralNetwork::standardizeOutputTensorData(Tensor::pointer tensor, int sample = 0) protected


Converts a tensor to channel last image ordering and takes care of frame data and spacing