Filter module
Objects and functions for image filtering.
- Reference
- class fast::GaussianSmoothing
- Smoothing by convolution with a Gaussian mask.
- class fast::ImageCaster
- Cast image to another data type.
- class fast::ImageFlipper
- Flip images.
- class fast::ImageGradient
- Calculate image gradient using central finite difference method.
- class fast::ImageSharpening
- Image sharpening by the unsharp masking method.
- class fast::ImageTransposer
- Transpose images.
- class fast::IntensityClipping
- Clips the pixel intensities of an image to specific values.
- class fast::IntensityNormalization
- Normalize intensities of an image to a 0-1 or custom range.
- class fast::ZeroMeanUnitVariance
- Normalize intensities of an image to have zero mean and unit variance.
- class fast::LaplacianOfGaussian
- Calculate image gradient using Laplacian of Gaussian method.
- class fast::NonLocalMeans
- Multiscale Non-Local Means (NLM) smoothing.
- class fast::ImageMovingAverage
- Temporal smoothing of image using moving average.
- class fast::ImageWeightedMovingAverage
- Temporal smoothing of image using weighted moving average.
- class fast::UltrasoundImageEnhancement
- Apply a color map and reject on an ultrasound image.
- class fast::VectorMedianFilter
- Apply median filter on vector field to reduce noise.