Segmentation module
Objects and functions for image segmentation.
- Reference
- class fast::BinaryThresholding
- Segmentation using a threshold value.
- class fast::CenterlineExtraction
- Extract centerline from 3D image segmentation.
- class fast::EulerGradientVectorFlow
- Gradient vector flow using Euler method.
- class fast::MultigridGradientVectorFlow
- Gradient vector flow using the multigrid method.
- class fast::KalmanFilterModelSegmentation
- Kalman filter deformable model segmentation.
- class fast::LabelModifier
- Change labels in a segmentation image.
- class fast::LevelSetSegmentation
- Level set image segmentation.
- class fast::LungSegmentation
- Segment the lung, airways and blood vessels from a CT using seeded region growing and morpohology.
- class fast::MeshToSegmentation
- Converts a line (2D) or triangle (3D) mesh to a segmentation image.
- class fast::Dilation
- Perform binary dilation with disk structuring element.
- class fast::Erosion
- Perform binary erosion with disk structuring element.
- class fast::RegionProperties
- Calculate properties, such as area, contour and centroid, for every segmentation region.
- class fast::SeededRegionGrowing
- Segmentation by seeded region growing.
- class fast::SegmentationVolumeReconstructor
- Reconstruct a stream of 2D segmentation images into a 3D segmentation image.
- class fast::Skeletonization
- Extract the skeleton of 2D segmentation as a 2D image.
- class fast::SurfaceExtraction
- Extract triangle mesh from a 3D Image (volume)
- class fast::TissueSegmentation
- Segment tissue from a WSI.
- class fast::TubeSegmentationAndCenterlineExtraction
- Segmentation and centerline extraction of tubular structures.