An example showing how to make a FAST process object in python.
An example showing how to make a FAST process object in python. A process object (PO) is a pipeline object which performs processing on zero or more input data and generates zero or more output data.

import fast import numpy as np # Check if OpenCV is available use_opencv = False try: import cv2 use_opencv = True except ImportError: pass """ Make a python process object which simply inverts image with numpy """ class Inverter(fast.PythonProcessObject): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.createInputPort(0) self.createOutputPort(0) def execute(self): # Get image and invert it with numpy image = self.getInputData() np_image = np.asarray(image) np_image = 255 - np_image # invert # If OpenCV is available, add some text using OpenCV if use_opencv: cv2.putText(np_image, 'OpenCV!', (40, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0,0,0), 2) # Create new fast image and add as output new_output_image = fast.Image.createFromArray(np_image) new_output_image.setSpacing(image.getSpacing()) self.addOutputData(0, new_output_image) # Set up pipeline as normal importer = fast.ImageFileStreamer.create( fast.Config.getTestDataPath() + 'US/Heart/ApicalFourChamber/US-2D_#.mhd', loop=True, framerate=40, ) inverter = Inverter.create().connect(importer) renderer = fast.ImageRenderer.create().connect(inverter) window = fast.SimpleWindow2D.create().connect(renderer).run()