
This example demonstrates how to use FAST together with Qt Python GUI with PySide2.

This example demonstrates how to use FAST together with Qt Python GUI with PySide2

import platform
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
    import PySide2.QtSvg # Must import this before fast due to conflicting symbols
import fast # Must import FAST before rest of pyside2
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
from shiboken2 import wrapInstance
from random import random

# Setup a FAST pipeline
importer = fast.ImageFileImporter\
    .create(fast.Config.getDocumentationPath() + '/images/FAST_logo_square.png')

renderer = fast.ImageRenderer.create()\

window = fast.SimpleWindow2D.create()\

# Add Qt button to the FAST window
button = QPushButton("Press here!")
# Convert FAST QWidget pointer to a PySide2 QWidget
mainWidget = wrapInstance(int(window.getWidget()), QWidget)
layout = mainWidget.layout()

# Add event: When button is clicked, change background color of the FAST view randomly
button.clicked.connect(lambda: window.getView().setBackgroundColor(fast.Color(random(), random(), random())))

# Run everything!