coherentPointDriftExample.cpp source

Registration of two point sets using coherent point drift (CPD) algorithm

#include <FAST/Visualization/SimpleWindow.hpp>
#include <FAST/Importers/VTKMeshFileImporter.hpp>
#include <FAST/Importers/ImageFileImporter.hpp>
#include "FAST/Exporters/VTKMeshFileExporter.hpp"
#include <FAST/Visualization/ImageRenderer/ImageRenderer.hpp>
#include "FAST/Visualization/VertexRenderer/VertexRenderer.hpp"
#include "FAST/Testing.hpp"
#include "FAST/Algorithms/CoherentPointDrift/CoherentPointDrift.hpp"
#include "FAST/Algorithms/CoherentPointDrift/Rigid.hpp"
#include "FAST/Algorithms/CoherentPointDrift/Affine.hpp"
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
#include <FAST/Tools/CommandLineParser.hpp>

using namespace fast;

void modifyPointCloud(Mesh::pointer &pointCloud, double fractionOfPointsToKeep, double noiseSampleRatio=0.0) {
    MeshAccess::pointer accessFixedSet = pointCloud->getMeshAccess(ACCESS_READ);
    std::vector<MeshVertex> vertices = accessFixedSet->getVertices();

    // Sample the preferred amount of points from the point cloud
    auto numVertices = (unsigned int) vertices.size();
    auto numSamplePoints = (unsigned int) ceil(fractionOfPointsToKeep * numVertices);
    std::vector<MeshVertex> newVertices;

    std::unordered_set<int> movingIndices;
    unsigned int sampledPoints = 0;
    std::default_random_engine distributionEngine;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> distribution(0, numVertices - 1);
    while (sampledPoints < numSamplePoints) {
        unsigned int index = distribution(distributionEngine);
        if (movingIndices.count(index) < 1 && == 0) {

    // Add noise to point cloud
    auto numNoisePoints = (unsigned int) ceil(noiseSampleRatio * numSamplePoints);
    float minX, minY, minZ;
    Vector3f position0 = vertices[0].getPosition();
    minX = position0[0];
    minY = position0[1];
    minZ = position0[2];
    float maxX = minX, maxY = minY, maxZ = minZ;
    for (auto &vertex : vertices) {
        Vector3f position = vertex.getPosition();
        if (position[0] < minX) { minX = position[0]; }
        if (position[0] > maxX) { maxX = position[0]; }
        if (position[1] < minY) { minY = position[1]; }
        if (position[1] > maxY) { maxY = position[1]; }
        if (position[2] < minZ) { minZ = position[2]; }
        if (position[2] > maxZ) { maxZ = position[2]; }

    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distributionNoiseX(minX, maxX);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distributionNoiseY(minY, maxY);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distributionNoiseZ(minZ, maxZ);

    for (int noiseAdded = 0; noiseAdded < numNoisePoints; noiseAdded++) {
        float noiseX = distributionNoiseX(distributionEngine);
        float noiseY = distributionNoiseY(distributionEngine);
        float noiseZ = distributionNoiseZ(distributionEngine);
        Vector3f noisePosition = Vector3f(noiseX, noiseY, noiseZ);
        MeshVertex noise = MeshVertex(noisePosition, Vector3f(1, 0, 0), Color::Black());

    // Update point cloud to include the removed points and added noise

Mesh::pointer getPointCloud(std::string filename) {
    auto importer = VTKMeshFileImporter::create(Config::getTestDataPath() + filename);
    return importer->runAndGetOutputData<Mesh>();

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    CommandLineParser parser("Coherent point drift registration example");
    parser.parse(argc, argv);
    auto dataset1 = "Surface_LV.vtk";
    auto dataset2 = "Surface_LV.vtk";

    // Load point clouds
    auto cloud1 = getPointCloud(dataset1);
    auto cloud2 = getPointCloud(dataset2);
    auto cloud3 = getPointCloud(dataset2);

    // Modify point clouds
    modifyPointCloud(cloud1, 0.80, 0.25);
    modifyPointCloud(cloud2, 0.75, 0.15);
    modifyPointCloud(cloud3, 0.75, 0.15);

    // Set registration settings
    float uniformWeight = 0.5;
    double tolerance = 1e-2;
    bool applyTransform = true;

    // Transform one of the point clouds
    Vector3f translation(-0.052f, 0.005f, -0.001f);
    auto transform = Transform::create();
    MatrixXf shearing = Matrix3f::Identity();
    shearing(0, 0) = 0.5;
    shearing(0, 1) = 1.2;
    shearing(1, 0) = 0.0;
    Affine3f affine = Affine3f::Identity();
    affine.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisf(3.141592f / 180.0f * 50.0f, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()));
    affine.linear() += shearing;

    if (applyTransform) {
        // Apply transform to one point cloud
        // Apply transform to a point cloud not registered (for reference)

    // Run for different numbers of iterations

    // Run Coherent Point Drift
    auto cpd = CoherentPointDriftAffine::create()

    // Fixed
    auto renderer = VertexRenderer::create(10.0, Color::Green())
    // Moving
    auto renderer2 = VertexRenderer::create(5.0, Color::Blue())
    // Moving registered
    auto renderer3 = VertexRenderer::create(5.0, Color::Red())

    auto window = SimpleWindow3D::create()
            ->connect({renderer, renderer2, renderer3});