This example demonstrates the use of block matching to do speckle tracking on an ultrasound recording.
This example demonstrates the use of block matching to do speckle tracking on an ultrasound recording. The resulting vector/displacement field can be visualized with both matplotlib and FAST.
import fast import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np visualize_with_matplotlib = True # Switch between using FAST and matplotlib for visualization streamer = fast.ImageFileStreamer.create(fast.Config.getTestDataPath() + '/US/Heart/ApicalFourChamber/US-2D_#.mhd') blockMatching = fast.BlockMatching.create( blockSize=13, searchSize=11, metric=fast.MatchingMetric_SUM_OF_ABSOLUTE_DIFFERENCES, timeLag=1, forwardBackwardTracking=False, ).connect(streamer) blockMatching.setIntensityThreshold(75) if visualize_with_matplotlib: frame_nr = 0 for fast_image, vectorField in fast.DataStream(streamer, blockMatching): spacing = fast_image.getSpacing() image = np.asarray(fast_image) vectorField = np.asarray(vectorField) if frame_nr > 0: # Skip first frame plt.imshow(image[..., 0], cmap='gray', aspect=spacing[1]/spacing[0]) # Show a downsampled vector field step = 8 Y, X = np.mgrid[0:image.shape[0]:step, 0:image.shape[1]:step] plt.quiver(X, Y, vectorField[::step, ::step, 0], vectorField[::step, ::step, 1], color='r', scale=step*10) frame_nr += 1 if fast_image.isLastFrame(): break else: imageRenderer = fast.ImageRenderer.create().connect(streamer) vectorRenderer = fast.VectorFieldColorRenderer.create().connect(blockMatching) window = fast.SimpleWindow2D.create()\ .connect(imageRenderer)\ .connect(vectorRenderer)\ .run()